Video Screen Program

Video screens around campus display (paper-free!) messages about College events, programs, and announcements.

Any department that would like to take advantage of this promotional opportunity is invited to submit a video screen request to 通信 & 公共事务, which manages the screen updates and scheduling. Please note that video screens are not typically used for the promotion of courses or classes. 


First, make sure you know the technical and visual identity file requirements. Key information is included on this page, and a full online training is available for more about the program and how to use the 文件模板.

Submit files by noon on Thursday of the week prior to the requested run date. (Please see below for more detailed scheduling information.) Files are considered “submitted” when C&PA receives a file that meets the basic specs outlined below. Please allow extra time in case revisions are requested.


The video screens can display high resolution .jpg或 .png files formatted to a horizontal orientation of 1920x1080 pixels. We recommend Adobe Photoshop to prepare files, and the software is available on community computers across campus. We're happy to supply a Photoshop template upon request.


Messages should include the Wellesley logo at the bottom center of the screen. (标志s and logo guidelines are 网上.)


Brevity is the soul of wit. 和广告! Each screen displays for ten seconds. Please limit text to 60 words. More than that can't be read and will make your slide unusable. Text (especially key information) should be big enough to read.


Be sure to include the following accessibility information on your screen:

Accessibility and Disability Resources

Message Mix and Timing

Screen files should be submitted by noon on Thursdays to begin running at any time the week following. Although messages stop running as events occur and are replaced with new messages, schedules are prepared on Thursday afternoons for the full following week, and programmed on Fridays for the entirety of the following week. (Tip: Submit files at least three weeks before your event to receive the maximum two week airtime—and do not wait until noon on Thursday to send. If changes are required, you will not be able to resubmit before the deadline.)

The total number of times a message is displayed during its "run" depends on the number of messages running at any given time. Messages for events or programs with specific dates will run for up to two weeks. Run times for long-term programs may vary. Video screens that do not have a hard deadline—such as a specific date—can be placed in an evergreen playlist that displays less frequently than other slides. 


Some campus screens are for dedicated purposes and aren't covered in these guidelines, but plasma monitors included in the campus program include the following:

  • 克拉普库: one screen at main entrance
  • 创始人大厅: one screen near the English Department corridor
  • 绿色大厅: three screens, one per common room on floors 2, 3, and 4
  • Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center: three screens at different entrances
  • 南内尔O. Keohane Sports Center: one screen at the front desk and two in the fitness center (running a slightly different schedule) 
  • 彭德尔顿: one screen at the entrance near the Knapp Atrium in Pendleton East and one at the first floor quad entrance of Pendleton West
  • 学生宿舍: in dining halls at Bates, Pomeroy, Stone-Davis, and Tower
  • 施耐德中心: two screens near the entrances
  • 科学中心: one screen by the Leaky Beaker, six additional screens are run by the Science Center

The above specs also apply to the screen dedicated to student organizations and initiatives, located at the entrance of the Bae Pao Lu Chow entrance in the campus center. Students may submit a file for inclusion in the rotation by emailing videoscreens@韦尔斯利.edu.


To submit your completed screen file, please email videoscreens@韦尔斯利.edu