

Wellesley College 餐厅 Services is not contracted to do catering or bar service. Event sponsors are responsible for organizing catering and beverages, including alcoholic beverages.  宴会承办商必须有 保险证明书 on file with the Purchasing Department in order to serve food and/or alcohol on campus.  Our buildings and grounds are not all set up to support a catered event so please review logistics with your scheduler before hiring catering or food deliveries.  

Sharing food together is an important part of our community, and should continue to be so. We also need to acknowledge how much money we are spending on food as well as the environmental costs of what we buy (plastic bottles and cans) and the food waste we generate. These challenges have led the Provost’s Budget Committee to develop a new policy regarding on-campus catering and the use of College funds to pay for off-campus meals and entertainment. This policy has been developed in close consultation with members of the administrative staff who are regularly involved in ordering food for campus events or processing reimbursements for off-campus meals. 如下所述, these new guidelines are intended both to reduce the amount we spend on food and drink, 尤其是在比较短的语境中, 例行会议, and to advance College priorities such as our sense of community and commitment to environmental sustainability. 我们要求各部门减少食品开支, 并设计了这些指导方针来帮助我们实现这一目标.


  1. Focus use of College funds on events that are designed to build community and reduce expenditures on routine business meetings.
  2. Contribute to the College’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
  3. 减少食物浪费.
  4. Reduce food/entertainment expenditures by at least 20% (with an approximate annual saving of $350,000). 


  1. 只要有可能, it is preferable for committee or business meetings to be scheduled during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 上午8:30 -下午4:30). 当会议安排在午餐时间, 我们强烈鼓励各部门, 把办公室和委员会变成“棕色袋子”会议. 然而, if meetings are scheduled outside normal business hours or are scheduled to last for an hour and thirty minutes or longer (or for the entire duration of Community Time), 部门, 各办事处和委员会有权购买食品.
  2. It’s reasonable to provide light food or refreshments at events that contribute directly to the academic or educational program of the College or that enhance a sense of community across the College (for example, 教师与学生之间).
  3. 教师 members may be reimbursed for entertaining students in their classes up to the approved amount (which we have increased as of Fall 2019 to $150 per semester). Administrative 部门 may also request reimbursement from their departmental operating budgets for entertaining student employees working in their offices or student mentees.
  4. College funds may be used to pay for food or refreshments at events recognizing service to the College or employee retirements.
  5. College funds may be used to pay for food or refreshments at departmental/divisional retreats.
  6. College funds may be used to entertain candidates at lunch or dinner and to take new employees to lunch on their first day.
  7. 学校的资金可以用于节日聚会, 须经部门主管或总裁批准.
  8. College funds may be used for the cost of alcoholic beverages for appropriate events, subject to the approval of the division head and provided that TIPS trained staff serve the alcohol. 


  1. College funds should not be used to buy food for participants in meetings during regular business hours that are scheduled for less than an hour and thirty minutes or for less than the entire duration of Community Time.
  2. College funds should not be used to purchase single-use water bottles or cans or bottles of soda.
  3. Meals in local restaurants with only Wellesley faculty or administrative staff in attendance are not reimbursable.
  4. College funds should not be used to buy food or refreshments for personal events such as employee birthday celebrations, 婚礼, 婴儿淋浴, 周年纪念.
  5. College funds should not be used for the cost of alcoholic drinks consumed off-campus unless there is a demonstrated business purpose involving entertainment of College guests or visitors. 


  • 早餐(带咖啡的欧陆早餐),校园内6美元.00 - $8.00 /人 
  • 午餐(常规会议),校内8美元.00 - $12.00 /人 
  • 午餐会(e).g. individual boxed meals-when numbers are high and time is tight), on campus $12.00 - $17.00 /人 
  • 晚餐(在当地餐馆)35美元.00 - $60.00元/人(含酒精) 
  • 晚餐(定期委员会/商务会议),校内12美元.00 - $17.00 /人 
  • 晚餐(全套服务活动,全部费用,在校园内)50美元.00 -$120.00 /人 
  • Reception for business meeting or campus event (non-alcoholic beverages and hors d'oeuvres) $10.00 to $12.00 /人 


  • 请尽可能降低成本. We have given price ranges, but this is not to suggest that the goal is to hit the maximum.
  • 让我们鼓励每个人自带饮料.g. 可重复使用的水瓶)参加会议.
  • We know that precise per person costs can’t always be predicted or controlled and we recognize the possibility that events will occasionally exceed the recommended cost. Food or entertainment-related expenditures substantially or systematically above the per-person caps stated above will require senior leadership approval.

