
Donald E. 爱尔摩
(781) 283-3171
B.A., Grinnell College; Ph.D.他是加州理工学院的教授

Donald E. 爱尔摩

Michael and Denise Kellen '68 Chair in the Sciences; Professor of 化学

Uses experiments and computation to study membrane proteins; leads pedagogical development and assessment research; teaches biochemistry, introductory chemistry and courses in computational modeling and public writing.

My lab investigates proteins associated with the cell membrane with a focus on protein•lipid interactions. Our primary project concerns histone-derived antimicrobial peptides (HDAPs). 虽然许多hdap已经从自然来源中分离出来, relatively little is known about their mode of action on the molecular level. We use molecular dynamics simulations and a variety of experimental methods to investigate the structure-function relationships of these peptides and design novel HDAPs. Much of this work is done in close collaboration with Louise Darling (Biological Sciences), including developing improved methods for visualizing peptide mechanisms using confocal microscopy. I also am involved in collaborations with 玛拉Radhakrishnan (化学) considering how macromolecular crowding affects the interactions and activity of antimicrobial peptides and using electrostatics calculations to design more active peptides. At Wellesley I have also been involved in projects considering the structure-function relationships of bacterial ion channels, including the discovery of the bacterial cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel family with Joshua Maurer (Benét Laboratories). One of the best parts of my position at Wellesley is the ability to collaborate with talented undergraduates, and since arriving at Wellesley in 2004 I have mentored over 95 research students in my lab. These students have made central contributions to my research, 他们中的许多人是期刊文章的共同作者. Students from Framingham High School have also worked in my lab through the summer research program. My research work has been funded by external awards from the National Institutes of Health, 美国国家科学基金会和研究公司, and I was selected as a Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar in 2011. I have also been the PI on three funding cycles for the 皇冠体育 Beckman Scholars Program.

I primarily teach courses in biochemistry and introductory chemistry at Wellesley. 在这些课程中, I place a particular emphasis on fostering student group work and increasing student exposure to research methods and data analysis. One particular interest of mine is incorporating computational modeling methods throughout the curriculum, and I introduced a course in computational chemistry that is now part of the department's regular offerings. An article describing some of the computational activities used in my courses was published in 生物化学及分子生物学教育. 我还协调了一个特殊的部分 BAMBED focusing on the use of molecular dynamics and related methods in the classroom in 2016. 最近, 我还开设了一门课程, 生物化学能解决社会问题吗, 参加学院的卡尔德伍德公共写作项目. It was a great honor to receive the Pinanski Prize in Teaching from the college in 2009. 

I have been actively involved in departmental and college governance and leadership, most recently in serving as Chair of 化学 (19-23) and as chair of the Committee on 入学s and 金融援助. COVID健康与安全委员会 and as faculty co-chair of the Laboratory Safety Committee. 近年来, I also have been on the 战略规划 Steering Committee, COVID健康与安全委员会, 实验室安全委员会(教员联席主席), 教员聘任委员会, 教职员绩效委员会, 教职员福利委员会(主席14-15), 议程委员会(共同主席11-12), 以及学术事务受托委员会. I also have served multiple years as the Director of the Biochemistry program. 校外活动, I am active in the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) as a member of the Women in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (WiBMB) Committee and as a coach for the IMAGE grantwriting program. 我目前在…编辑委员会任职 BAMBEd and regularly review journal articles and grant proposals for a variety of domestic and international organizations.

工作之余, 我喜欢和妻子在一起, 朱莉娅·普伦蒂斯, the Research Director for the Betsy Lehman Center for patient safety, and our two wonderful (in my clearly objective opinion) children. I also serve as Vice-总统 of the Board of Directors for the Dedham Community House, 一个专注于提供教育的组织, recreational and social activities for residents of Dedham and surrounding communities and as Treasurer of the Dedham Arts Boosters. Whenever possible, I love to catch live music, with a particular affinity for jazz, R&B/soul and classical--and a growing appreciation for musicals and contemporary pop music promoted by my kids! 不过在新英格兰的冬天,我还是有点害怕, I have come to love hiking and making my feeble attempts at gardening in the beautiful summer and fall.

有关我的研究的更多信息,请访问 爱尔摩实验室 网站.