


A non-immigrant is an individual that is not a citizen of the United States, who wishes to be admitted to the United States for a limited time period, 以及一个特定的目的, and plans to depart the United States after completing said purpose.


F-1 and J-1 are different non-immigrant visa statuses. F-1 status is for individuals coming to the U.S. 成为全日制学生. J-1 status is for individuals coming to the U.S. 作为学生, 学者, 学员, 老师, 教授, 研究助理, medical graduates or international visitors. 持有J-1签证的个人可以参加由学校赞助的各种交流访问学者项目, 机构, 和组织.


F-1 and J-1 are different non-immigrant visa statuses. F-1 status is for individuals coming to the U.S. 成为全日制学生. J-1 status is for individuals coming to the U.S. 作为学生, 学者, 学员, 老师, 教授, 研究助理, medical graduates or international visitors. 持有J-1签证的个人可以参加由学校赞助的各种交流访问学者项目, 机构, 和组织.


I-20表格表明个人已经作为学生被美国的学校或学院录取. 签证由申请人被授权就读的学院签发,并注明申请人可以在美国停留多长时间.S. to complete a program of study. It also indicates the students’ major field of study. Students in valid F-1 status are allowed to remain in the U.S. until the completion of their studies, plus a 60-day grace period.


The Form DS-2019 shows that an individual is eligible for “Exchange 访问or” status. 它由学院(或赞助组织/机构)签发,表明个人可以在美国停留多长时间.S. Individuals in valid J-1 status are allowed to remain in the U.S. until the completion of their program, plus a 30-day grace period.


签证是在美国联邦调查局签发的.S. embassy or consulate outside the U.S. 并在护照上盖章.  A valid F-1 visa is required to enter the U.S. 持有F-1学生身份. A valid J-1 visa is required to enter the U.S. in J-1 exchange visitor status. The expiration date of a visa does not affect how long an individual may stay in the U.S.


The Form I-94 is an official "Arrival/Departure Record." The Form I-94 is automated and is 网上. The Form I-94 indicates an individual’s immigration status (F-1, J-1, etc.) and the expiration date of that status. F-1和J-1学生的到期日通常是“D/S”,意思是“身份期限”。. “D/S”符号是指项目完成日期或表格I-20/ DS-2019上的结束日期(以较早者为准)。.


学生和交流访问者信息系统(SEVIS)是国土安全部为国际学生和学者建立的基于互联网的电子监控系统. 申请F-1或J-1身份的个人需要缴纳SEVIS费用,该费用必须在美国政府批准签证之前支付给国土安全部.S. Consulate/Embassy interview for the initial visa. 请参阅 SEVIS Fee Facts and Instructions for additional information regarding amounts and procedures for fee payment.


USCIS是美国公民及移民服务局,是美国移民局的分支机构之一.S. Department of 首页land Security.

What does the program end date on the Form I-20/Form DS-2019 mean?

移民文件是在完成特定项目所需的时间内签发的. 表格I-20的第5节和表格DS-2019的第3节注明个人项目的开始和结束日期. 如果个人不能在移民文件上注明的截止日期之前完成该计划, they must apply for an extension of stay. If the individual remains in the U.S. after the program end date and the grace period, they will be out of status and ineligible for an extension of stay.

What should I do if I last entered the U.S. with a B-1 or B-2 Tourist Visa?

如果你进入了美国.S. in B-1/B-2 status or with a visa waiver, you must meet with the International Student and Scholar Advisor (ISSA) 立即 讨论你的选择. You are not eligible to attend classes in a full-time degree program in this status.  You must not begin to attend classes until you have changed your status back to F-1 or J-1.

如果我是在读学生,想要出国旅行,我需要带什么.S. for a short period of time and re-enter U.S. F-1身份?
  • A valid Form I-20/ Form DS-2019 signed for re-entry by an ISSA within the past year
  • A passport that is valid until at least six months into the future
  • A valid F-1/J-1 visa (except Canadian citizens)
  • 经济支持证明
  • A Wellesley College Acceptance Letter
Why do I need to have my Form I-20/DS-2019 signed by my ISSA for re-entry to the U.S.? Why do I need a “travel signature”?

表格I-20/DS-2019是一份联邦文件,用于验证您是持有效F-1/J-1非移民身份的全日制学生. 该表格必须由你的ISSA签署,以确认你目前保持你的学生身份,并且你有资格重新进入美国.S. 继续你的学业.

When can I get my Form I-20/Form DS-2019 signed for travel?

你可以在预约时间来斯莱特国际中心,也可以预约. 斯莱特国际中心还在繁忙的旅行期间举办“旅行签名日”,以便学生可以在指定日期的任何时间来. 当你来到斯莱特国际中心获得旅行签名时,你必须携带你所有的原始移民文件. 在出国旅行之前,你应该准备好签好I-20/DS-2019表格.S.

What if I want to travel to Canada, 墨西哥, or an adjacent island for less than 30 days and my F-1/J-1 visa is expired?

如果你有有效护照的话, 过期的F-1/J-1签证, a Form I-20/Form DS-2019 with and up-to-date travel signature, 并在护照上盖入境章,表明您已获准在居留期间(D/S),您可以再次进入美国.S. in valid F-1/J-1 status as long as your trip is for less than 30 days. 你可以告诉边境官员,你正在利用“自动签证重新验证”.“目前, this benefit does not apply to citizens of Cuba, 伊朗, 伊拉克, 利比亚, 朝鲜, 苏丹, 和叙利亚. 除了, if you decide to renew your visa in Canada, 墨西哥, or any adjacent island and your visa is denied, 你不能再进入美国.S. on automatic visa revalidation.

What if I decide to transfer out of Wellesley College to attend another school?

在新大学开始上课之前,你必须通知你的卫尔斯利学院ISSA request a SEVIS record transfer. You will be sent instructions and a form to complete. If Wellesley College does not release your SEVIS record, your new school will not be able to issue you a new Form I-20.

Can I work in the United States?

f - 1学生

持有有效F-1签证的学生可以在学年期间每周在校工作20小时,在大学正式假期期间可以全职工作. No official work permission is required. For off-campus employment, authorization from both the ISSA and the U.S. Citizenship and 移民 Services (USCIS) is required. 在大多数情况下, 校外工作必须与你的学习领域直接相关,并且只能在一个学年之后以F-1身份获得授权.

j - 1签证的学生

持有有效J-1签证的学生可以在学年期间每周在校工作20小时,在大学正式假期期间可以全职工作.  学术培训的校外就业许可可以在你在韦尔斯利学习期间或之后的一段有限的时间内获得. 根据具体的就业机会和班级主任的推荐,需要获得ISSA的授权.

Can I get a social security number or a Massachusetts Driver's License?

F-1和J-1学生如果有校内就业offer或校外就业许可,可以申请社会安全号码. If you have on-campus employment, 你需要填写一份“校园就业表”来验证你是否有资格获得社会安全号码. If you have off-campus employment, you will need to show proof of employment authorization.  See the handout on “Obtaining a Social Security Number" for more information.

马萨诸塞州机动车辆登记处(RMV)要求任何计划在马萨诸塞州居住一年以上的人必须在获得汽车后30天内获得马萨诸塞州的驾驶执照. The RMV will request your social security number when you apply for a license. If you are not eligible for a social security number, 社会保障局会发给你一张“拒绝信”,你会在申请许可证的时候附上这封信.

如果你不打算在美国生活,来自某些国家的官方“国际驾驶执照”可以使用长达一年.S. 一年多了. Please visit the RMV website for more details.

我需要提交U文件吗.S. 纳税申报表?

是的! Most students will need to file at least one tax form. Students in F-1/J-1 status who have been in the U.S. 在美国居住少于5年的人通常被视为非居民,并且必须提交美国国税局(IRS)表格8843. 那些有过美国教育经历的人.S. 收入来源或获得奖学金或经济援助的学生也必须提交1040NR或1040NREZ表格,有些人可能需要提交马萨诸塞州所得税申报表. 斯莱特国际中心为国际学生提供有限的资源,以遵守美国法律.美国税收法规.